'Create Your Own Island' Catalogue Cover Project / Mini Boden


Gallery of customer's cover creations

Thousands of children’s clothing catalogues are sent out every year, Mini Boden wanted to make something that stood out and engaged kids (not just their parents). The brief was for children to design their own unique personalised artworks online and receive them on the front of the Mini Boden Summer catalogue.

The concept allowed children to imagine their own Mini Boden island filled with wonderful creatures and vibrant colours. A suite of illustrations were created - some inspired by the clothing and some new ones just for fun, along with an array of different backgrounds. Each element came in 6 different colour ways, allowing choice for the customer. London based company 'Kin Design' came on board to create an online tool (hosted as a Mini Boden microsite) which allowed children to build up their own creation from the range of illustrations. With control over the land, sea, sky, colours, and the islands inhabitants it was easy to make a completely custom cover.

The campaign ran in the United Kingdom, United States and Germany with a total of 15,000 unique personalised covers digitally printed, bound, and the catalogues posted to their designers (with 100% delivery success). A series of emails and marketing ran alongside the competition, the campaign had huge engagement world wide. It is Boden's most ambitious personalised catalogue campaign yet, in what is believed to be a first for any catalogue company. The cover project came 2nd place in the 2015 Fedrigoni Awards - via HP Indigo Printing.